Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Social Recontrol "The Universal Antidote"

Society is very quick to take a handout from our government and feels a desire for government funding, health care, education, etc... There are numerous topics on many subjects about, "The Problem". It also seems as though anytime someone tries to come up with a solution to, "The Problem", someone else finds a way to shoot that solution down because it either violates a means to their own personal gain in some way or another, or it does not conform with their political views.

There is a solution to the problem but society does not want to hear it. Even though it effects each and every one of us we simply will not allow it to happen because we are spoiled. Its that simple. I'm not going into detail about how wealthy we are as a country but I will say this.... If you live in the United States, you have a roof over your head, clothing to wear, a means to get to your job, and food in your home, you are living within the top 30% of the wealthiest people in the world. It does not matter if you are living within a lower class neighborhood or not. You are still very fortunate to have what you have.

The only way for people to understand the universal antidote is to knock them off of their high horse and bring them back down to earth by taping their mouth shut and forcing them to listen to what you have to say so that you actually have a chance to talk. That is the first part of the problem. No body wants to listen because having to sit there and listen pulls people out of their comfort zone. This makes them have to do something that they do not want to do because their life style has created a stop watch, which when stopped by a finger other then their own, a violation of individual freedom and rights has taken place. Thank God we have Blogging.

It is very hard not be long winded with my writing on this subject but you must understand that to truly appreciate the painting, you must sit still and watch the artist at work. So I will use myself as an example to give you some idea of how the universal antidote will work.

For me to drive in a vehicle that I can rely on, have food in my home, have clothing on my back, pay my rent, utilities, and insurance, I have to not only have a job that will pay well and provide benefits, but I have to find any means possible to keep my tax dollars in my wallet throughout the year. This is just for basic survival. I live paycheck by paycheck, I have no money in the bank, my credit sucks so I cant buy a home, and the loan company I actually qualified for charges me almost 30% interest for my car. I am 40 years old. To make matters worse my wife and I have been laid off from our jobs. Our unemployment checks are less then half of what we used to make. We have no medical insurance, my teeth are falling out, and I wont be getting a tax return because I claimed to much during the year so I had money to survive. There are no jobs available that I qualify for in my area other then minimum wage dead end jobs that are already taken. On top of all that I am being taxed on my unemployment check and I have to sit around listening to middle class people cry about how its not fair that they are being punished by the government by paying more taxes because they make more money then I do.

(Deep Breath)

If it were not for the blue collar worker the white collar worker would have no job. Its that simple. They need us. How dare the middle class or the upper class complain about paying more taxes. If it were not for lower class society they would not have the money they have in their bank accounts today. I must be living a lower class life because I do not even have a friend with a thousand dollars in the bank. Trust me, I have a lot more friends now then most people have developed in an entire lifetime. People that actually had the ability, support, or luck, to be able to even finish high school should be very grateful for the life that they have. There are many people in this world that do not even have the chance to get an education.

So... Despite what I am going through I am thankful that I live in a society that has developed a strong enough social structure that I am actually able to draw an unemployment check. I am very fortunate to be able to have a chance to get back on my feet and I have learned something. You do not need a tax return to survive. Although right now a tax return would help me in a serious way, I will survive. This realization has brought me to a few very serious conclusions. I have stumbled upon a way to not only possibly heal our national debt, but to also provide collage educations, health care for everyone, and to provide a more reliable social structure which will improve a way of life for our families.

Due away with tax returns. What if the government took 1/4 of your paycheck throughout the year rather then 1/3, thereby putting more money in your wallet throughout the year. What if that money paid for your medical and dental insurance so you had even more money in your wallet throughout the year. What if that money paid for your own education and your children's education for as long as you wanted to stay in school. What if that money guaranteed you a government job if you ever became unemployed, that supported the infrastructure to be able to do all of this. Would you complain about not getting a tax return at the end of the year? I wouldn't. Don't think for a minute that because we are developing such an infrastructure that we are creating socialism. You could call it that out of fear but i will say this, I would be more afraid of living the way we are today not knowing my future. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. They don't want the lower class to become educated because then there becomes a threat to their income and their lifestyle. Keep the poor man down. I say that if you are going to complain about paying more taxes then everyone else, get a lower class job and live like we do for a few months to see what it really feels like to have no money.

Set a standard tax rate of 1/4 your total income no matter how much you make. If you want to complain about the fact that you work harder for your money, your success is based off of your your intelligence and you deserve a tax break as a reward, I say you would not be where you are today if it were not for the lower class cheap labor that makes it possible for your company to be able to employ you. Someone has to do the dirty work. The world cannot survive if everyone were salesmen and there is nobody left to build the product.

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